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Angry Sex Page 17

  Luna pressed up, arched herself so he would touch her there. Fingers warm and intrusive from the small of her back down the split of her buttocks. His fingers sure and slick with lube slid into her back hole. First a single finger there, stimulating a whole new bundle of nerves.

  Setting off goodness and pleasure that was beyond the norm. The tiny bit of anxiety that always accompanied anal added to the pool of pleasure, lending the mystery of taboo to its arsenal.

  Adam pushed a second finger in, and she pushed back to greet him. Two of his thick fingers served to stretch her. Luna ached for him to add a third. Or just himself.

  She pushed her face to the bedding, her fingers buried in folds of fabric. “Please,” she said. “Do it.”

  He growled. The sound ripped out of him and made the fine hair on her body stand on end. There were secretive sounds from the lube bottle. She heard him lubing himself—hand on cock, prepping for her—and that triggered a whole new rush of fluid in her cunt.

  She wanted Adam. In every way. And it was so big and so bright in the center of her that when she let herself examine it, it felt as if she might burst into a million tiny, brilliant pieces.

  Luna expected him to hike her up on hands and knees. He surprised her—he always seemed to surprise her. He shoved a hand under her hips and pushed a throw pillow under her, lifting her to just where he wanted her. His fingers delved in again, wet and seeking, opening her there for his penetration.

  And then he was pressing against her. The tip of his cock to the tight star of her ass. She held her breath and bunched her fingers and pressed back to open for his sweet intrusion. As he slipped past that stubborn ring of muscle, he sighed.


  It wasn’t a question so she didn’t answer Adam. It was just a declaration. One that made her nipples spike blissfully hard against the mattress. Luna wedged her hand beneath her and touched her tender clitoris with shaking fingertips. She was unbelievably full with his cock in her ass and unbelievably turned on as he moved slowly in and out of her. The angle Adam had put her at served to stimulate all the sensitive hidden places that only added to her pleasure.

  “I’m not going to last long this way, boss lady,” he growled. He draped his body over her back. His hand covering her free arm, his fingers twining with hers. Her fingers worked faster, slipping and dancing over her engorged clit, as she slid a bit closer to her orgasm.

  “Come with me, Luna. I want you to. I can’t believe…” His thrusts were growing faster—frantic—and his body crushed down on hers. She felt the heat and the bulk and the safety of him, and nearly lost it. There was something about him, when he was pressed up against her, that made her want to laugh and weep and everything in between.

  Maybe she was just crazy.

  “Luna,” he said, teeth on the nape of her neck making a chill course through her.

  That was all it took. She pinched her clit, released it, and he thrust once more and she lost it. All was fair in love and sex, and she fell down into her orgasm, surrendering to the bigness of it.

  His body pinned her, and when he came she felt all the muscles in his body go tight. He lost his words and his breath. All that remained was the sound of his pleasure.

  Adam relaxed against her, pressing her down, forcing the air out of her lungs. She chuckled at the sound of it, like a pool float deflating. But it was nice. It was good.

  He kissed her hair, her shoulder and groaned, moving his hips a bit back and forth to feel her body grip around his before it was too late and he was out of her.

  “Wanna shower, big boy?” she asked, doing her best impression of Mae West.

  “With you, I’d go swimming in the crick.”

  “Crick?” Luna snorted.

  “Sure thing. Deep down I’m just a good ole boy at heart. Pretty girls, beer, ass sex…” Then she was laughing--so hard no sound was coming out--as he touched her skin. It was a good feeling. One of the best she could remember for a very long time.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  He was washing her back. Luna relaxed into it, letting out all the tension she’d had since Nick’s issues reemerged. Her entire body had felt like a giant knot. It had been so hard to carry that invisible weight of worry and guilt, and now she let it fall away along with huge dots of Cedar scented soap bubbles.

  “Good?” He kissed the side of her face. Then he stilled.

  Luna thought that it hadn’t been lost on either of them that the moment had been very much domestic. Very normal and intimate.

  But his hands started moving and she let her head drop, wet hair swaying around her face.

  “Yes, good. Very good. You have really strong hands…” Those hands snaked around to cup her breasts and she held her breath. He stepped in close against her, pressing his taut body to the back of hers. His soft cock pressed to her wet bottom, and his lips brushed the spot where her neck met her throat. “Thanks.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  He massaged again, moving down the stiff and alert ladder of her spine, making her relax those spots as he went. Luna sighed, swayed a little. Her body was made of lead. Her body was made of soft wet rags. Her body was all light and water and sunshine. She felt boneless and relished it.

  “God, you are wound up tight. I thought I was,” he laughed.

  His fingers danced along hers sides and she smiled. Luna turned to him. “Let’s see. Turn around and let me do you.”

  He turned, and she played her fingers along the muscles of his back. Firm and defined, he was a pleasure to stroke. She watched his skin ripple when she came in contact, watched goose bumps spring up on his tanned skin. The warm smell of man filled her head, and she felt dizzy with it. Luna pushed her fingers to his tight and knotted muscles and said, “You’re pretty tight yourself.”

  “Thanks, I do try and work ou—“

  She swatted him and he laughed. “You know what I mean.”

  “I do.” But his words turned into a pleased exhalation. Luna felt his body loosen under her exploring hands. It made her ridiculously happy.

  “How’re you doing? Really?

  The muscles stiffened again but he said, “Okay. Status quo.” Luna kneaded and rubbed until that easy elasticity had returned to his body. “Good.”

  “Good,” he agreed, hanging his head. His dark blonde hair was chocolate brown in the shower. It hung in his face and when he turned to smile at her it gave him a mischievous little boy appearance.

  The water was turning tepid and they were clean. “Time to get out,” she said.

  His eyes met hers. That mysterious dark blue always inspired curiosity in her. “Getting cold,” he said.

  His arms banded around her and she crushed herself to him. He was warm and wet, and she could feel his heartbeat banging against her chest. It echoed hers. Luna didn’t pause to consider it or pick it apart. She gave herself no time to be fearful or gun-shy.

  “I’m glad you’re staying the night,” she whispered.

  “Finally,” was all he said, and then he kissed her.

  * * * * *

  She found it strange and comforting to have a man in her bed who was not Ben. There hadn’t been one to sleep in her home since her husband, and hearing him breathe in the dark made her heart beat slower. There was a calm that came with being your most vulnerable next to someone you trusted.

  And she trusted Adam. Really trusted him. It was something she probably would not admit if pinned to give an answer. But it was something that for now she would hold close and cherish. She trusted him, and hearing his breath and feeling his warmth made her feel slow and lazy.

  It was well after one in the morning and they were exhausted. Dinner and a movie and cuddling on her big overstuffed sofa. And oddly, no more sex. He’d insisted that what they’d done together should be savored for the night. No need to taint it by a rushed coupling before morning. At first, she wondered if she should be offended, but then she realized what a gift that was. A man acknowledging how sacred sex
could be.

  So she’d let it go.

  They’d fallen into her bed about half past one and Luna found herself bone-weary tired but awake. So she simply listened to him breathe.

  She rolled to her side and pulled the sheet up to her neck. She liked it very cool when she slept so the air was turned low. She felt a stab of anxiety that he’d be cold or thought she was a hormonal lunatic for sleeping in a meat freezer…


  Something in his voice made her nervous. She was happy he was here, but Luna was finding herself suddenly concerned that this was a big thing. Bigger than she’d realized. Bigger than she could handle. Something in Adam’s tone made her stay silent. She played possum, feeling like an ass. Feeling like a coward. She steadied her breathing, deepened it, so she sounded like she was out.

  “It’s not just fucking anymore is it, boss lady?” he sighed. Sounding very much like a man who assumed he was talking to himself.

  A flock of butterflies twirled madly in her stomach, and they dipped and danced making her feel sick with nerves. God, how had this happened? She did not have time for this. Or the perseverance…emotional fortitude, balls…however you wanted to label it.

  “I thought I could keep it that way but…maybe you’re a witch,” he said and laughed.

  Then he turned toward her and angled his body to spoon hers. His well-muscled thighs pressed to the backs of hers, hips cradling hers, arms around her holding her close. She tried to keep her breathing slow and steady though she felt electric and wild.

  Adam kissed her hair, and then she heard him start to breathe heavy. His body relaxed, and she did not think he was faking it, but it felt like it would take forever for her to drift off.

  She finally had, somewhere around three a.m., and it wasn’t much past that when the phone rang, waking them both.

  Luna felt his body there and her first, exhausted thought was that it was Ben. But she felt the difference in his body and his breathing immediately and remembered it was Adam. That she’d asked him to stay and he had. She reached blindly for the phone extension on the nightstand. She hardly ever used it. It was only there for emergencies. Her fingers hit the plastic casing, knocked the handset onto the floor.

  “What is it?” Adam asked, touching her shoulder.

  “The phone,” she said, stupidly. Her heart was knocking, worry sinking its teeth into her.

  Why was her phone ringing in the middle of the night? Finally, she managed to punch the button that answered.


  It was her father and it ripped a sob right out of her. She sat straight up, Adam had already hit the light switch, bathing the room in stark yellow light.

  “What’s wrong? What happened? Is he okay?” It came out of her as one sentence. A tumble of anxious words while she fought the urge to vomit.

  Adam sat next to her on her side of the bed, bare-chested in nothing but boxer briefs and a frown. He wrapped an arm around her, waiting. Letting her hear what was being said.

  “He’s in the hospital.”

  There was no word for the panic that gripped her. Her heart felt icy and her skin followed suit. A shiver coursed through her and Adam held her a bit tighter. “What happened?” She barely managed to push the words past her lips.

  “He was at a party…I think, well, lighting bug, he’s been a bit down. And I think he tried to drown his sorrows, so to speak.”

  “The meds—”

  “The meds do not support it. He basically drank enough that he…” Her father broke off here and she could hear the pain in his voice. Luna knew her dad, the guilt he carried right now must be overwhelming.

  “He had a reaction.” Her voice was dusty.

  ”Almost like an accidental overdose.” He put very big emphasis on that. “Almost. I’m just glad Joshua decided getting Nick help was more important than not getting in trouble.”

  “What hospital?” She was finally in motion as her father rattled off the info. Her hands were shaking uncontrollably as she tried to button her jeans. It was only when Adam pushed her hands away and buttoned them for her that she even remembered he was there.

  “Let me,” he said, softly.

  “We’ll be here, Luna. Your mother and I are in the room with him. He’s fine, he’s just out of it.”

  “I’ll be there, Daddy,” she said and hung up.

  Ben handed her a long white V-neck tee and she pulled it on over a bra. She shoved her feet in flip-flops and put her hair up in a clip. “I have to call Ben,” she said, more to herself than to him. Then, “Sorry.”

  “Why would you be sorry? Don’t worry about me, Luna.” He pulled his shorts on and his tee. Then he sat on the bed, waiting.

  Ben’s number rang and rang and rang. She gave up and tried his home phone, which told her it was out of service with a canned recording of a woman who sounded judgmental. It was only then that Luna remembered he’d said he let his land line go.

  “Fuck. Fuck-fuck-fuck!” She threw the cell phone across the room and sat on the bed, head in hands. She needed to get going and yet, felt so frozen with fear she didn’t know if she could move.

  Adam slid closer and gave her a one-armed hug. “Is he okay?” She nodded. “Almost overdose. A drug reaction really. And he’s in good hands. Out of it, but okay. And…”

  “What do you need from me, Luna?” He smoothed her bangs back. She could tell he was keeping his voice low and easy so as to not spook her. It almost made her smile despite the current shit storm.

  “I don’t know. I feel…stunned.”

  “Can’t get Ben?”

  She shook her head and a sob ripped out of her. “He’s Nick’s dad. He should know…you know? We should go together. We should be there for…” She shook her head some more as tears rolled down her face. How did this happen? How had her happy little family gotten here?

  But when she felt his hand smoothing down her back she felt such a huge lancet of gratitude that he was there it stilled her.

  “Why don’t you let me drive you to his house. If he’s not there, I’ll take you to Nick.

  He’s in Pennsylvania, right?”

  “I can’t ask you to do that,“ she said quickly, even though her heart felt calmer just considering that scenario.

  “You didn’t ask. I offered. Now let’s get going. The sooner we find Ben, the sooner we can get you to your boy.” He held out his hand and Luna took it.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  “He’s not here.” They sat, idling, outside of Ben’s small house. The house that had been his parents once upon a time. “His car is gone. The house is dark.”

  “Do you want me to run up and knock?”

  She laughed because it kept her nerves at bay a little. “That wouldn’t be weird at all.” He smiled, patted her leg. “Hey, the past is the past, and I don’t get twisted up over stuff like former relationships.”

  She shook her head. “I’ll do it.” Even as she got out, Luna hit the button on her phone to call Ben again. It rang and rang and rang and then cut to his voicemail. As she walked up the walk she said, “Ben, it’s me. It’s…Luna. Sorry. I’m rattled. I didn’t want to tell you this way.

  I’m at your house. If you can hear me, please come to the door.” She knocked hard on his door as she said it. Waited. Heard nothing at all and knocked again. This time she used the brass knocker and truly banged it hard in case he was asleep.


  “It’s Nick,” she started and then cried. But Luna realized she might truly scare him down to his bones because she sounded as if something fatal had happened. She forced herself to keep talking. “He’s okay. He’s stable. My dad said he’s out of it but he’s in the hospital and they are taking care of him, Ben. And I wanted to go with you…” Now she was rambling and couldn’t really control herself. “But you’re not here.”

  Another sob.

  Luna forced herself to take a deep steadying breath and then said, “I’m getting a ride up there and I wanted t
o let you know so you can come too when you get this. I don’t know where you are, Ben, but call me when you can. Be careful driving too.“ She recited the information her dad had given her so Ben could find them. She knocked hard a few more times, and giving into the crawling anxiety in her core she actually kicked the brass kick plate on the front door. When her toe connected, she sobbed out loud, more from frustration than from pain. But the pain was sharp and bit her hard enough to sharpen her focus.

  When she turned to go—giving up on getting Ben and realizing she needed to get going—Adam was standing there. He hugged her. “You okay?”

  “I’m freaking out.”

  “I meant your toe,” he chuckled, but then he squeezed her hard.

  “Yeah. My stupid toe is fine. But I have to get going. And look…you don’t have to do this. You don’t have to get…entangled.”

  “Stop it,” he said, his voice serious. She couldn’t see his face even though the sky was starting to lighten in the distance. Dawn was coming. “Get in the car. I want to take you Luna.

  It’s not entanglement. It’s giving a shit.”

  She got in the car.

  * * * * *

  Pennsylvania had never seemed so far away. The sky lit slowly, purpling before bleeding into a cornflower blue tinged with pink and orange. Luna watched it, wishing she could appreciate it for its beauty. Instead, she thought how her jaw hurt from clenching it, how her chest felt tight from grief. And fear.

  “You have to breathe, boss lady,” Adam said quietly, patting her thigh. “You’re going to pass out on me if you don’t.”

  “Am I not breathing?” she asked, picking at a loose thread on her jeans.

  “You are not. Not enough, anyway.” He hadn’t put the radio on and at first it had annoyed her. But then Luna realized that the chatter and extra noise would have put her already shredded nerves on the razor’s edge.

  “Sorry.” She made a show of sucking in a breath and then blowing it out. Surreal as it was, it made her feel better.