Angry Sex Page 19
“Sorry, it can be a bastard,” he said, grinning.
“How did you get so smart, kid?”
“Look at who my mother is.” He grinned. “So can I say one more thing before dad shows up to whisk me away for the third degree disguised as a super fantastical weekend?”
“Sure.” She finished her tea and felt the stirring of nerves in her belly. Luna didn’t know what it meant. Wasn’t sure she was strong enough to examine it just yet.
“Why don’t you call that poor guy and tell him it’s not over.”
“That’s not a question.”
“It sort of is. Half question, half suggestion.”
Luna groaned and put her head in her hands. “Love advice from a teenager.”
“Hey, it is what it is. A no brainer.”
She laughed. Kissed his hand.
“Plus it will be nice to see you stop mooning around like a love sick teenager.” Luna took a playful swipe at him and Nick dodged it. “Where did you hear a phrase like that?”
“It’s what Grandmom said to Pop on Skype.” He snorted.
“God,” Luna groaned. “I’m going to have to ban you from Skyping with them.” The doorbell rang and Nick rushed out of the kitchen to let his father in.
* * * * *
“Did the kid talk to you?” Ben kissed her cheek and ruffled her hair.
“Gah, don’t do that,” Luna said.
“Sorry, old habits die hard.” He leaned on the counter and studied her, his face serious.
“Like being jealous when you see your ex wife with someone else. And you’re tired. And stressed. And worried for your son…” He sighed.
Luna swallowed hard, said nothing.
“And you’re being an asshole,” Ben added.
“Don’t be an asshole, Dad,” Nick called from the next room.
“Nick!” Luna and Ben yelled in unison and then laughed.
“Mind your own beeswax!” Ben called.
“Taking my stuff out to the car,” Nick yelled, and then the screen door banged.
The summer was at its peak. Soon the air would start to cool, school would start again, and a whole new slew of stressors would arrive. But that was life, Luna thought. It never ends.
It’s only how you deal with it.
“You weren’t an asshole. It wasn’t the best ti—“
“Luna, the man took you to see our son who needed you when you couldn’t reach me. I should have been shaking his hand, not fucking acting like a dick.”
“You weren’t the only dick,” she said, and then laughed.
“Do you like this guy?”
“Yes.” She didn’t hesitate, and that fact didn’t escape her.
“Then don’t let my assholery screw it up for you.” He kissed her cheek again. “I was tired, and I was scared, and I still love you, Loo. I always will. But I know it’s best for us to start our new lives. So start…stop putting it off for your grumpy ex husband and your son. He doesn’t want you to miss something that makes you happy because of him.” Luna could only nod. She didn’t trust her voice to speak.
“This is like an eighties movie,” Ben said and winked at her. “Go to him. Run! Do you need a boom box to borrow?”
“What?” She snorted even as the tears started to fall.
“Okay, technically that movie wasn’t the eighties, but it had that vibe. Say Anything…you know! When he holds the boom box over his head and—“ Luna let herself cry. Now she remembered and she nodded, letting the laughter carry her under. “Yes, yes, I remember. But no, I do not need a boom box.”
“Somehow an MP3 player doesn’t seem like it would cut it for that big romantic movie moment.”
Luna stood and hugged Ben. “Instead of that big moment, I think I might just go apologize. No boom box, no Peter Gabriel. Just me saying I’m sorry.”
“That’ll work,” Ben said.
“Be safe this weekend. Make sure his head is on straight. I’m still worried.” Ben nodded, tracing his fingernail over a scar on her counter. It was where he’d set a blazing hot rice pot once upon a time and had burned off the top layer of countertop. “I think he’s fine, Loo. He didn’t do it on purpose. He didn’t intentionally drink too much on meds. It was just he’d never drunk before and he didn’t get it. So his ‘sin’ was drinking at fifteen. But his intention wasn’t self-destruction.”
She blew out a sigh. “I agree.”
“Good. Now I am going to go spend some quality time with Nick, you are going to grab your MP3 player and go make a grand romantic gesture.”
“I don’t think I need my MP3 player.”
“I’d tell you to go get him,” Ben said, looking wistful for a moment. “But seeing as I’m your ex husband, I think that would just be sort of creepy and inappropriate. But good luck.”
“I’ll take it,” she said, and gave him one last hug.
Chapter Twenty-Eight
He was wearing a pair of sweatpants that had been cut off to serve as shorts. Running shoes. Nothing else. His face was still slightly flushed, his body still wet from exertion. Adam’s pulse beat heavy at the base of his throat and his hair stood on end.
“Good run?” she asked by way of hello. She felt nervous beyond words.
“Who said I was running?” He glared at her, leaned against the door jamb.
Luna looked pointedly at his shoes and then smiled. “True. Good…whatever you were doing?”
“What do you need, Luna?”
It was odd that she could see him steeling himself against her as she watched. Luna imagined she could hear the metallic clink and clack of invisible armor as he protected himself from her. Without letting herself think about it, she put a hand out and pressed it to his hard abdomen. She felt him hold his breath.
“I wanted to talk to you.”
“Look, if it’s about me quitting, I’ve offered like sixteen times but Savannah keeps telling me n—“
“It’s not about that,” she said. She had a split second to decide and she took it. She pushed him back while taking a step toward him, passing the threshold.
“I didn’t invite you in,” he grunted. But when she applied more pressure, he backed up another step. And she advanced.
“Good thing I’m not a vampire.”
“I think you should—“
“I think you should listen,” she cut him off. “Just listen. Will you do that for me?” He nodded, but his mouth remained tight, his body on alert. “Say what you have to say.”
“I’m sorry.”
His mouth softened but only a little. She curled her fingers against his bare belly and watched a fine tremor start on his tan skin. His muscles fluttering from her touch.
“Thank you. But you made it perfectly clear that—“
“That I have poor judgment, a butt load of guilt that I give into way too easily and that I’m stupid under pressure. I didn’t want you to go. I thought Nick did. I knew Ben did. And I felt that my happiness came second, even third, in the unit of family we used to be.” He didn’t say anything, but dark blue eyes tracked her ever word, and in them Luna thought, she prayed, she detected hope. On his part. For them.
“I get that, but—”
“Hush,” she said and pushed her finger to his mouth. She pressed hard, watched color flare in his cheeks, watched the hump of his cock increase in size. Her body thrummed with being this close to him and before she could think, she blurted it out. “My God, how I missed you.”
He made a noise. It came up out of his chest like a rumbling purr, and he took a step toward her this time instead of away.
“And I know I probably hurt you.”
“Pain is my friend,” he said, with a harsh laugh. Only half kidding, she thought.
“But it shouldn’t be from me, unless it’s the kind that’s getting you off.”
“I missed you too,” he said.
“I think there’s more,” she rushed on. Her heart galloping so damn hard she was s
eeing tiny white spots in her vision.
“More what?”
“More than just fucking.” Her fingers curled to his hard-on and his big blue eyes slammed shut for a minute. His pulse—that had calmed—jumped back to life. “For us. There is more to us. I feel things for you. I missed you. It hurt my heart that I’d hurt you and…I am so sorry.”
She’d always been terrible at apologizing yet somehow this all rolled off her tongue with great ease. Because she meant every word and it was true in the very center of her—where the truth lived.
“Would you say you love me?” he asked.
“If I tell you that I love you, will you tell me too?” He grinned and pulled her in.
“Because I think I’m pretty much at that point, Luna Watkins. I mean seriously, woman. What a mind fuck. You’ve been in my head 24/7 since we met, and these past few weeks have been…” He shook his head looking sad. It broke her heart to see what she had caused.
“I think I could say it. If you gave me time.”
He kissed her. Finally. She parted her lips and let him push his tongue against her. Luna kissed him back as hard as she could, sinking into the kiss. The feel of his mouth on hers, the heat of his tongue, the taste of chewing gum on his breath. When she broke free and licked his throat, the salty taste of him made her body hum with need.
“I want you to… everything,” she laughed, pulling at the waistband of his shorts.
Adam reached past her, and pushed the door shut and locked it. “I want to everything you, too.”
He grinned and it went straight to her pussy. That electric jolt feeling of his eyes on her, and the closeness of him. She pushed her hand into his shorts and gripped him in her hand. His cock felt good against her palm, her heart slammed with anticipation.
“I’m sorry,” she said again, sweeping her thumb over the tip of him, shutting her eyes and relishing how good it felt to touch him again.
“Shut up with that, Luna,” he said and then slammed her to the foyer wall. Her hips hit the small table there, and when Adam swept the mail tray and his keys to the floor she yelped.
When he picked her up and dropped her on the table she gasped.
“Take your pants off,” he growled, and pushed his shorts down. It took only a second for him to kick off his running shoes and in that time, Luna managed to get her denim Capri pants off. Underneath, she was bare. “Nice,” he grunted and then spread her with his fingers.
She held her breath as he pulled back her nether lips and studied her. Her heartbeat pounded in her temples as he looked her over. “You’re very red and wet and plump and…it’s all for me,” he whispered, leaning in to lick her lower lip. Then the full softness of his mouth was pressed to hers as he stepped between her spread thighs.
This time he put his finger to her lips. He pressed so she had to be silent and his other hand snaked up under her tank top, found her bra, breached the cups. The sensation of his fingers on her skin made her pussy grasp at nothing, made her wetter than she had been since the last time they’d been together. Which seemed entirely too long.
He tugged her tank off and ditched her bra, both hands cupping her breasts before sliding down her sides to her hips. The warmth of his hands was replaced by the warmth of his mouth as he kissed and sucked her nipples into two hard peaks. “I missed feeling your skin,” he said.
“I missed you feeling my skin.” She threaded her fingers in his hair, held him close as he continued to nuzzle her. When he kissed a bit lower she was nearly mindless with her want of him. “Just come—“
“Just let me do it my way,” he said.
So she shut up and let him. She didn’t say a word as he drew a wet line along her belly with the tip of his tongue. She stayed mute when he kissed her hipbones and the tender bit of skin just above her mound. She did make a small noise as he kissed her inner thighs and came so close—so incredibly close—to her swollen clit. His breath hot and moist on that small hard knot of flesh. So near to her that the promise of his mouth on her was maddening.
He pressed her thighs wide and kissed right up to the crease of her inner thigh without actually touching her where she needed it. Luna couldn’t help it, she tugged his hair a little and sighed. “God…Adam!”
“You can just call me Adam. You can drop the God.” He chuckled then and she tugged once more. His eyes met hers but he kept his mouth right up close to her pussy. He stared up at her and said very slowly, “No angry sex this time, boss lady. This isn’t catharsis or therapy or bloodletting. No getting out our rage on each other. I haven’t touched you in weeks. I’ve dreamt about you…”
Her throat closes up some and her eyes filled with tears. She nodded, willing them not to spill. Her fingers went from yanking to smoothing. She stroked his hair and she smiled.
“This is going to be good sex. Hot, intense, mad-mad fucking…but not angry.”
“’Okay,” she whispered, feeling mesmerized.
He turned his face toward her, seemed to inhale her reverently, and then he set about latching onto her throbbing clit. It only took a few wet swipes of his tongue for her to arch up to meet him. She lost her manners and ground her pussy to his face, and he took it, parting his lips, eating her more readily so all she could focus on was the intense sweet wetness of his mouth.
Luna came, gripping the table, whispering, “Adam, Adam, Adam,” over and over again, like a mantra.
“Yes, ma’am?” He chuckled. She put her hand out and he stood, his cock flushed and standing straight out. Begging for her to touch it. So she did.
He gripped her hips while she positioned him against her slick opening. “Too long,” she said.
“Too long,” he agreed.
He slid into her hard enough to make the table rock and bang against the moss colored wall.
“Penetration,” she whispered. And they both stilled.
He cocked his head. “Why did you say that?”
She just wanted him to move, but he stayed still and she could feel her cunt gripping up around him. The demand of her flesh and blood for him to move and create friction and pleasure.
“I don’t know. I think it’s a sexy word. In a vulgar way—almost—it just…” she shrugged. “It turns me on,” she admitted.
He drove deep and the table rocked again. “Mount,” he said.
She shivered. “Fuck,” she replied.
“Too standard,” he breathed, shoving his hands under her ass and steadying his rhythm.
Adam pulled back slightly to watch her body take his cock.
“You’re right,” she said. “Nail.”
“Spear. Impale,” he breathed.
“Ream,” she laughed.
He grunted softly and his eyes had gone from bright to deep sea blue. “Good,” he said, meeting her eyes.
And her heart melted.
“Yes,” Luna sighed and gripped his shoulders. She arched up to meet him, to absorb his thrusts. To take him and keep him as deep as she could. The first flickering spasm worked through her pussy and her fingers drove down against his firm skin.
“Say it,” he said.
She pressed her lips together and he bent to tug a nipple in his teeth. His hips went still and though he was still inside her, he was not moving. Luna could feel her runaway pulse in her sex and her belly. In her throat and her forehead.
“Please,” she said, thinking he wanted her to beg.
“Not that,” he said, and licked a hot line up between her breasts. Her nipples peaked almost painfully hard and another lazy flex of muscles sounded deep in her womb.
His eyes met hers again and he leaned in to kiss her, pushing her back so she was half sprawled on the table, her head against the wall, his body pinning hers. This time when he moved it was with slow, teasing rocking strokes. He moved his hips from side to side so the pressure on her swollen G-spot made her chew her lip from a bizarre cross of frustration and p
“I love you, I have come to realize.” He never looked away. The honesty in his eyes was humbling. “And I think you love me too. Which is why you pushed me away.” Firm hands pushed against her hips, and pinned her so she couldn’t move. One leg down, one up hugging against his waist. She was open to him, powerless, at his mercy and yet it was his words that staggered her.
“I…” She managed to move her hips up just enough to force him a bit further into her.
He grunted and the rocking of his hips increased, inching her closer and closer to coming.
“I love you,” he said, rocking a bit harder. “I love you, Luna,” he said, gripping her a bit tighter. “I love you, Lu—“ His voice hitched and she could tell he was so close. A hair’s breadth from orgasm. And he was trying so hard to hold on.
“I love you,” she said, slower than she’d anticipated. Almost as if tasting the words. Her body gave up the ghost, and the orgasm smacked into her and then plunged her under. She was falling, blinded, staggered by the almost violent rush of pleasure. “I love you,” she said again as it continued to squeeze every bit of her energy from her. But in the most amazing way.
He held her hips tight and drove into her one more time. Then his mouth was on her mouth and he was gasping it out one more time against her lips. And Luna swallowed it down.
He looked at her, keeping her there as they came down off the high. “Scary isn’t it?” he asked, touching her face.
He nodded and smiled. When she slid off the table, he pulled her into his warm embrace and hugged her.
Just two naked people in the foyer…
The thought made her laugh. Adam asked, “What’s so funny?”
“Nothing. But I am terrified.”
“Me too.” His hands splayed the small of her back, his fingers making lazy patterns on her skin.
“This is the part where you tell me it will be okay,” she said. She tilted her head back to look at him, so he could see her fear and her trust.
“It will be okay,” he said.