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Angry Sex Page 4

  Savannah caught her look and said, “Go. Go.”

  Bad enough that Nick’s tics were starting again, now so was her anxiety. With him not well and on new meds and now… leaving her, she felt like she was breathing through a partially clogged drinking straw.

  “It’s okay. It’s okay,” she muttered. “You’re fine. You’re getting plenty air. It’s not as bad as it feels. You’ll be fine.” She muttered almost angrily as she hurried down the delivery ramp to the parking lot below. This was when she wished she still smoked.

  “It’s fine. It’s fine—“

  “What’s fine?” A head popped out from behind the corner of the stone wall and Luna jumped. As if she didn’t have enough adrenaline in her system, more flooded her and her face went numb.

  “Fuck me hard Jesus!” she yelled.

  “Hunh. I don’t think that’s appropriate if we’re addressing Jesus,” Adam said.

  “How did you get out here?”

  “The side door.”

  “Why are you out here?”

  “I was told to take my fifteen minute break. So I took it.”


  “Yes?” He cocked an eyebrow at her and she felt her lungs shrivel, all the air and logical thoughts leaving her.

  “Um nothing,” she sighed. “Sorry to interrupt.”

  He shrugged. “No biggie. You okay, boss?”

  She laughed. “Putting me in my place, nice.”

  He shrugged, leaning against the stone wall.

  “Do you smoke?”

  Adam sighed, almost wistfully. “I used to. But not now. I just came out to get some air. I was feeling some…angst.” His hands were shoved down into his pockets, forcing the fabric of his pants to hug his lean hips.

  It didn’t escape her notice he was built just the way she liked. Tall and lean but muscled.

  Sturdy but not bulky. Sexy.

  Heat rushed to Luna’s cheeks and a flash and trickle of images from her and Ben the night before flooded her internal movie screen. Only her dirty mind superimposed this man—

  Adam the brave—into the daydream. He gave back as good as he got from her, which made him A-okay in her book.

  “I used to too,” she said, chuckling. “I came out here to pretend I still did.” Adam didn’t look at her when he asked bluntly, “You okay? You seem upset. Very upset.

  Anything I can do?”

  Luna surprised herself by saying, “Not unless you’re magical.”

  “Ah, one of those problems.”


  “I see. Well, none of my business.” She caught a flash of dark blue eyes, anger and hurt seemed to lurk in there and then he grinned. The grin short circuited her mind.

  “Sorry. If I talk about it I’ll cry,” she admitted and then the admission made her almost cry.

  “Don’t do that. I’d hate to see you cry. Then I’d have to…” He winked.

  “Have to?” She found herself leaning her shoulder against the stone wall watching him.

  They should be working. They should be going in. But she was stuck here, frozen in this singular moment in time, and she wasn’t quite ready to let it go.

  Another shrug of his massive shoulders as he turned to face her, too. “I’d have to give you a hug, boss lady. I can’t leave a lady—even my taskmaster—hurting.” Luna thought how good it would be to have a hug from him–from anyone at the moment.


  Her phone went off in her pocket, and Luna knew it would be Savannah asking where she was. A sigh slipped out of her—way bigger and more melancholy than she’d expected.

  Then Adam Singleton took her shoulders in his big, warm hands and pulled her in. He hugged her tightly and something in her chest felt like it fractured. He kissed her forehead, surprising her enough that she tilted her head back. And then he kissed her lips. His mouth soft and warm and just a shade hesitant.

  Until she parted her lips enough that his tongue slid gently over hers.


  Chapter Five

  His hands were big. Bigger than they looked at a glance and even as her mind screamed at her to stop—back up—move away!—Luna threw herself into the kiss like a drowning woman grabbing a life preserver. His hands clamped down on her hips, hers found his shoulders and she squeezed. Adam grunted once, the rumble working through her lips and down her neck. She shuddered and the fingers gripping her dug deeper.

  His tongue slid teasingly over hers until he made another sound--half sigh, half laugh, and his hand came up to cup the back of her head. The other pressed firmly at the small of her back, effectively pinning her to him from head to groin.


  Luna took his kiss and gave as good as she got, putting all of her frustration and need and fury into that kiss until she felt like there wasn’t enough air in the world to keep her from fainting.

  Adam stepped-stepped-turned and shoved her roughly into the stone wall. All of her was caged in and the secret thrill of that skittered through her from chest to cunt. She gasped, seeking that air she needed so badly.

  “I should stop.” His mouth came down on her cheek, slid to her throat, worked down to her pulse and he licked that thumping skin with the hot tip of his tongue.

  A sympathetic beat of arousal filled her pussy, echoed through her belly and her breasts.

  “You should.” Her hands roamed the stone slab of his chest, the flat plane of his belly and then her fingertips toured the silver buckle of his black belt.

  Her phone buzzed. She ignored it.

  No, no, no! He’s an employee. And Lord, you just met him… And yet she wanted to go lower. Wanted to work that buckle and explore his button and pull down his zipper and find…the perfect hard heat of him beneath it all. She could imagine how good his warm length would feel in the palm of her hand. And then… in her.

  A shuddery sigh slipped out of her as Adam kissed over her collar bone and he inhaled deeply, sounding very much like a man trying to find control.

  Her phone buzzed again. She wanted to ignore it, but knew damn well it would be Savannah wanting to know if she’d died or run off.

  “We need to go in,” she groaned.

  “We do.”

  His lips were insistent and seeking again, pressing to hers, forcing her to part her lips with his tongue, so he could kiss her roughly.

  Luna stiff armed him, a confused and urgent laugh flying out of her. “Now. We have to go in now.”

  Again her phone buzzed.

  “We do. But boss lady?” He was already in motion, moving up the ramp.

  “Yeah?” She practically had to call out as she scurried after him, heading for the door to go back inside.

  “I’m not done with you.” And then he was gone and Luna was left with anticipatory shiver. And hard nipples.

  * * * * *

  “Is it that hot out there?” Savannah asked, filling a tray with champagne flutes and pouring so that each was three quarters full.

  Luna mimicked her by filling a tray with sunny orange plastic flutes bought for Alice’s

  ‘kick off to summer’ spur of the moment get together. “Nope. It’s actually cooled off. Why?” It didn’t escape her notice, as she poured, that her hand was shaking. Her heart was jittery too. Adam was not what she wanted on her radar at the moment—in fact, no man was what she wanted on her radar. But there he was anyway. Sandy hair, dark blue eyes and very strong hands.

  Very strong hands.

  “Because you are blushing like a whore in church!” Savannah failed to repress a giddy chuckle.

  “It’s sweating,” Luna hissed, irrationally angry but also sorta kinda amused. “Sweating like a whore in church. Not blushing.”

  “Well, whore or not, you are blushing like a bad, bad girl. What’d you do out there? Did you find a nook or cranny and make out like teenagers? Smoke a stolen cigarette? Or…worse?”


  Savannah turned and squared off with Luna. Luna was having a
hard time looking directly at her friend. Savannah stood almost eight inches shorter than Luna, a mere five foot two to Luna’s lanky five foot ten. But she seemed bigger when she was aggressive. Savannah’s flaming red hair and intense brown eyes didn’t help matters. Sometimes when she stared Luna down, Luna felt like confessing every sin she’d ever committed.

  “You did something. One of those. Now spill.”

  “He kissed me. There. Are you happy? Now let’s—“

  “No, the question is are you happy?” Savannah put her hands on her hips, tapping her foot, waiting. Despite the bustle of servers in and out of the kitchen and the hushed din of the party outside the doors.

  “We’re going to have problems if we don’t—“

  “Answer!” Savannah commanded.

  When a startled server looked her way she said sweetly, “Claire can you take these out please?”

  “Sure thing, Savannah.” The girl took the tray and hurried off. “I’ll be back for yours,” she said over her shoulder to a grimacing Luna.

  “No. I am not happy. It was a dumb mistake. No big deal.” She shrugged even though she felt her face growing hotter and hotter as her friend eyed her up.

  “Liar,” Savannah sighed and started to pour another tray of flutes.

  * * * * *

  Nick was asleep when she got home. His body still, his breathing deep. He’d noted the time of his medication on his daily index card like she’d taught him.

  Plus the note:



  Luna often wondered if the trials and tribulations he’d suffered made him a better person—made him a more thoughtful, mature teen. She rarely had an issue with his attitude or battles of the wills. The most they had were arguments and head butting over her coddling and his need to be himself. And at the end of the day, even Luna—stubborn as she knew she was—

  was aware that Nick was correct in that area. She hovered and coddled and babied him sometimes. He needed her to back off. He needed to break free.

  She shut his door softly and went to her room to strip off her work clothes. The white shirt, black pants and skinny tie all smelled of shrimp puffs and food and the weird pine scented candles Alice had been burning in the main room itself.

  “Smells like those pine trees from the car,” she whispered, dumping her clothes in the hamper. She padded to her bathroom without turning any lights on or even the TV, which was her normal MO in lieu of company. The noise of other voices often soothed her when she was fretting about Nick.

  The bathroom had two sets of lights—bright overheads and softer sconces on the wall.

  The sconces flanked the mirror and gave off a buttery glow. She chose those to light the small turquoise colored room. Turning the water to blazing hot, she waited for steam to billow while focusing hard on her toenails. If she broke her concentration, she’d start to cry. She could tell.

  The note had done her in. Knowing that Nick was leaving tomorrow for the summer was too heavy on her heart. The fact that he’d be with her parents—in good, loving and capable hands—did little to ease her soul. No matter how much she loved and trusted them.

  There was that blissful moment of ahhh when she stepped into the steam and let the hot water course over her. Luna tilted her head back letting the heat slide down her face and penetrate her hair.

  Instead of that crumbling moment of helplessness she expected, she was fed an image of Adam kissing her. His big hand holding her. The fact that he could grip her that way, hold her just so, exert such force without doing anything overt, made a chilly shiver work through her even as her body stayed in the warm cocoon of water and steam.

  “Lord,” she sighed.

  She shaved her legs, slowly. A luxury she often skipped due to time. But Nick was asleep, and the day was done, Even if just for herself she wanted to take that extra time to pamper herself.

  You’ll have plenty of time for that when you’re all alone all summer…

  She shook the thought off and shaved a bit faster, so of course she cut herself. The gem of blood bloomed slowly as she watched it, still bent over, the water beating on the small of her back. Luna held her finger to the tiny cut and counted to thirty.

  Somewhere in there, the image came, unbidden and fast—Adam moving in behind her.

  Adam taking those hands of his—seemingly as big as catcher’s mitts—and gripping her hips.

  Taking her. Sliding into her slowly at first until she made that noise that only came with pleasure and then fucking her. A chaotic, yet controlled, tempo that left them both gasping with the final release.

  “Good God, stress has made me a pervert,” she whispered and then a semi-hysterical giggle escaped her.

  But there it was…that image. That image and with it the remembrance of the kiss. And how it had made her feel—oddly, both entirely secure and completely unhinged.

  “No,” she said. But even as she said it, she did it. A finger, tentative at first, slippery wet on her clitoris.

  She sighed when she made contact, feeling that little jiggle in her knees that indicated such goodness it was overwhelming. A few quick almost shy revolutions and then she slipped her fingers into her pussy. Two slick fingers that tickled over her engorged G-spot.

  “Shaving your legs and getting off,” she whispered. “You are spoiling yourself.” She worked herself slowly at first, relishing the way her left arm shook with the tension as she stabilized herself against the shower wall. She moved gently, but with intention, until she felt the sweet tightening of her cunt around her fingers. Until her heartbeat filled her head more than the sound of the water. Until she felt—literally—the phantom touch of his lips to hers and the clutch of his fingers on her and she shook when she came, wondering what it would be like to come with Adam, the gigantic, inside of her.

  Luna ground her clit against her palm, wiggling her fingers, sinking into the pleasure she was creating for herself physically and mentally. She came again as the water started to cool, her forehead pressed to the wet tile, a laugh dying on her lips.

  The air conditioner hummed to life as she toweled off and found her favorite, beat to hell, kimono. A glass of wine, some crackers and cheese, and fruit then she’d find something mindless on TV to watch until she was ready to sleep.

  In bed, she curled herself around a cache of throw pillows and sipped her wine and nibbled the food with no gusto. A movie channel was running ‘The Lost Boys’ and she could think of nothing better to lose herself in than a beach town riddled by blood suckers. When the phone rang, she didn't even glance at the readout.

  “Yes, he’s sexy. Yes, I’m kind of glad he kissed me. Yes, Savannah, he’s hotter than a thousand molten suns, but I’m not looking for anything special. I’m too tangled up in my own shitty life to want anything other than some angry sex.” There was a pause. A great pregnant drop of silence, and that was when Luna made the connection that maybe she wasn’t talking to who she thought she was talking to.

  It was completely confirmed when a smoky chuckle sounded over the line. “Good to know, boss lady. I have a lot of pent up anger myself these days. Maybe we could work that out together…”

  Chapter Six

  “I’m sorry. I thought you were…” She sucked in a great breath. “Savannah.”

  “Nope. Just little old me. Trying to see if you’d like me to work tomorrow for the party at some bank lady’s house.”

  “Mrs. Blaise,” she sighed, trying to keep her heart in her chest where it belonged.

  “Savannah said you were short handed and wanted me to see if you wanted me.” If you wanted me… She inhaled deeply and heard him chuckle.

  Adam went on. “So I, the he who’s hotter than a thousand molten suns, wanted to know.”

  “Yes,” she said. “I want you…to work the party.”

  “Good,” he said.

  “Good,” she echoed. Feeling mildly stunned and utterly drunk, though half a glass
of wine was all she’d had.

  “Now…. boss lady, what were you doing before I called you?” There was a sound in her head like a pop, but then Luna realized—mortified beyond belief—that it had been a mildly crazy laugh bursting out of her.

  “I took a shower.”

  “Did you? I think you did more than that.”

  Was she really going to let him do this? Was she really going to let her new employee exert psychological control over her?

  “You do?”

  Yes, apparently she was.

  “I think you maybe had me in your head.”

  She didn’t say a word.

  Adam went on. “And maybe you did something about it. You seem to have a whole lot of pent up energy and angst and…stuff in you, boss lady. Did you do something about it?” She bit her lip, so confused, so turned on, so irate and yet the anger was a dull buzz below the steady, thundering thump of arousal. “That is…none of your business,” she managed.

  “True. But I can speculate. It’s a free country. So here goes, boss. I think you touched yourself. I think you touched your clit and maybe pushed your fingers inside your sweet self. I think your remembered our kiss and then you g—“

  “Stop,” she said, but it was more like a sigh, no real heat. Totally unbelievable as a command—even to her and she’d said it.

  “And you got off. You had an orgasm. You came and you did it all remembering my lips on your lips.”


  “And my hands on you.”

  God, yes…

  “And maybe imagining me in you. Fucking you. Angry sex, Luna. Me and you.” Bingo…

  She bit her lip so hard she tasted blood.

  “That’s what I think,” he said.

  “You’re wrong,” she lied. They both knew she was lying. She could feel it hanging like an invisible accusation over the open phone line.

  “Hmm,” he said. “Not sure if I believe you. But either way, think about it. I think we could definitely work through some things together. Me and you. Because regardless of what you say, I haven’t been able to shake that kiss all night. And I definitely plan to have my way with you if you see fit to give in and let me.”