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Angry Sex Page 5

  And then he hung up.

  She’d never sleep now.

  * * * * *

  “He’s leaving.”

  “He’s leaving,” Adam echoed.

  “He’s leaving.”

  “But just for the summer,” he said. His big hands grabbing hold of her hips and anchoring her so she couldn’t flit away from him.

  “But he’ll be away. From me. And sick.”

  “He’s not sick. It’s a hurdle,” he said. “It’s a part of himself he has to come to terms with.”

  “Ah, see, that sounds like bullshit,” she hissed.

  “Maybe. But I believe it to be true.” His large fingers, so big and yet so nimble worked the button on her black server pants. He pushed the waistband down and Luna felt his fingers slide along bare skin. She never went commando to work and yet…here they were.

  And yet they weren’t. This was work, but no one was apparent but them. In the small cramped kitchen with its buttery yellow dim lights, he stroked her neatly clipped mound with his fingertips. Stirring up the pale brown hair there. There wasn’t much, but he made sure to touch every single bit. Luna felt a rush of fluid between her legs, the stirring of lust in her tummy, the need in her chest.

  “I don’t want him to go.”

  “I know.” He pressed his face to her throat, nipped her pulse.

  “I’m so…pissed.”

  “I know.” His fingers drove into her. There was no warning and no preamble. He simply pushed three thick digits into her pussy and nudged every single place in her that needed to be touched.

  “I need…”


  His mouth. On hers. His tongue, tangled with hers. His teeth on her lower lip. His free hand cupping the back of her head to bind her tight to where they stood.

  “I need to hurt someone.”

  “Have at it.”

  “I can’t.”

  “You can.”

  She did the only thing she could think to do. She pushed her hands into his sandy hair and twisted it at the roots. She tugged and he hissed, but his big body slammed hers and the counter bumped her ass as he pinned her. She tugged again and one handed he worked his buckle, his belt, his pants. His cock was hard and flushed and she took a moment, one hand still tangled in his hair, to touch him. As she swept her thumb over the damp slit on the head of his cock, she yanked his hair again. He jerked in her hand and those blue eyes found hers. That magical green ring almost glowing with surreality.

  There was promise in his eyes. And lust. And malice.

  A shiver worked through her when he knocked her legs apart with his knee. He ran himself along the split of her, the rigid velvet of his erection stroking her, from her opening to the hard eager nub of her clitoris.

  “You can’t hurt me,” he said and kissed her.

  So she bit him. Hard enough that he growled and the hair on her neck rose up like a lightning storm was imminent.

  “Fuck me,” she said.

  “My pleasure.” And he entered her. Without any nuance or petting or pretty flowery words. He thrust once and seated himself high and deep, mashing her ass to the counter so the air rushed out of her in a blissful hiss.

  It was good. It was so fucking good. She bit him again and he pounded into her, his fingers biting into the meat of her hips to steady her as he did.


  “Not even close,” Adam said, and he bit her shoulder so she groaned before coming—a violent staggering orgasm that rocked her.

  This time when she bit him, he came too, pinning her hands behind the small of her back.

  Showing her she could hurt him, but only if he let her.

  When Luna opened her eyes, it was morning. Time to get ready to take Nick to the train station.

  She swallowed hard but some tears came anyway. “It was just a dream. Only a dream,” she said aloud. But God, what a dream. Her mind’s way of distracting her from the fact that today was the day. Nick was leaving and she’d just have to let him.

  Her hands didn’t want to move when she made coffee. She wanted to avoid anything that would speed up the day, anything that would make Nick’s inevitable departure come quicker.

  She didn’t hear Nick until he tapped her on the shoulder causing Luna to let out a shriek fit to wake the dead. The coffee grounds that she’d carefully been measuring went flying, dusting her with chocolate colored debris.

  Her son snorted and said, “Not too bad for a jerky twitchy kid, eh?” She swatted at him, managing to squash the sob in her throat. He’d scared her enough that, for a second, she couldn’t tamp down that emotion. But she got it back under control, grabbing him in for a hug. “Smart ass.”

  “Better than a dumb ass. What do we have?”

  She noticed a few small tics as he opened the fridge, a short burst of rapid blinking, nothing to write home about. Maybe he should just stay.

  You need to let him do what he needs to do…

  “Regular food. Cereal. I can make you an egg—”

  Nick held up a hand. “Makes my stomach gross.”

  “Too greasy, probably. Anyway, grab something and we’ve got to beat feet. You need to be there, at the station, for the eleven o’clock train.” With that the doorbell rang. Luna barely restrained a sigh. All she needed now was another monkey wrench in what would be a close call anyway. They’d have to hurry as it was to get him there on time. On her way to the door she wondered what she’d do if it was Adam standing there. A flurry that mimicked her anxiety sounded in her gut. But it wasn’t anxiety, it was anticipation.

  “Mother of the year,” she sighed. “Wondering about a man when you’re about to ship off your son for the sum—”

  Her father’s blue eyes regarded her, and all her self-control crumbled around her. Luna heard her own sob before she felt it, then her daddy was pushing into her house, her mother right on his heels. “Oh don’t cry, lightning bug,” her dad said in her ear.

  Her childhood nickname stemmed from the fact that she was named for the moon, and the moon cast a glow like the lightning bugs she’d loved to watch so much as a kid.

  “But what…what are you doing here?” Her voice was a ghost of its normal self.

  Her mother touched her hair and Luna heard Nick coming in from the kitchen. “We thought you’d feel more peace if we came to pick him up. It’s not that long of a ride. Not to mention—”

  Nick was embracing his grandfather and Luna felt her heart twist and crush a little in her chest. “Not to mention, we can stop at Dabney’s for lunch on the way back, I bet,” Nick said.

  Her mother, Patty, touched her nose and then pointed at her grandson. “Bingo, kiddo.”

  “I’m in. Totally.” Nick was grinning which made her feel a bit better.

  “Well, go get your stuff,” her father said. “And then you can grab a snack and we’ll be off toward…well, what do you want to eat Nick?”

  “No idea, Pop. I guess I’ll figure that out when we get there.”

  “You have an hour and a half to dream up your favorite lunch,” Patty said.

  “Is this a closed party?”

  Luna hadn’t even heard the screen door. She turned to see Ben standing there looking somewhat shell shocked.

  “No, no, of course not,” she said, pushing the door fully open for him to come in.

  Her mother said, “Benjamin” and hugged her former son-in-law tight, whispering in his ear. Probably that she missed him and how was he doing. She’d been heartbroken when Luna and Ben had announced they couldn’t make it work. Patty had such a time of it that Luna had worried more for her mother than herself.

  “Stealing our boy for the summer?” he asked. His voice was light, but under it Luna could hear how thick it was with emotion. She bit her lip to sharpen her focus.

  “We are and we think it will be good for him. I hope you agree,” her mother said, patting his hand.

  Ben squeezed Patty’s hand and nodded. “I really do. I think we’re going to miss
him like crazy.”

  “Way more than he misses us,” Luna said, laughing. Under her laughter she heard the same thick feelings.

  “That’s always how it is,” her mom said.

  And then there was a great rush of noise as her father and Nick tried to get his stuff down the steps. Ben looked relieved to have something to do and called, “Wait up, men! I’m coming to help.”

  Her mother caught her look and put her arm around Luna’s back. “It will be good for him. New scenery. Old fogies like us he can teach all his technology to. His friend, Joshua, who understands what he’s going through. That really is one of God’s blessings, lightning bug.

  Someone who understands him.”

  Luna wasn’t religious but never corrected her mother. More than anything, she envied her mother her faith. The comfort of it.

  “I know, Mom.”

  “And you can scrape anytime you want! Isn’t that neat?” They came toward her, a line of men from almost-man to her dad, the older man.

  “Scrape?” Luna asked, confused.

  “Skype, Gram,” Nick said walking past. His grin so big and so good-hearted it damn near burst Luna’s heart into a million pieces.

  Ben caught the look this time and winked at her. When he passed by her he mouthed to: It will be fine.

  And then Luna found herself, after many kisses and the passing of meds and instructions and doctor’s notes and emergency numbers, standing next to her ex husband and waving goodbye to her once again ailing son.

  When her folks’ car stopped at the stop light on the corner, Luna turned her face away and held her breath. She would not make a sound. But she did let herself cry.

  Chapter Seven

  “Hey, Loo. Hey, there.” Ben held her, rocking side to side the way they had rocked Nicky when he’d been a newborn.

  “Remember the electric shock?” she moaned.

  “I do.”

  “And how we should have known.”

  “We looked it up,” he said, referring to the sudden jolts their newborn would make as if he’d been startled, though he was sound asleep.

  Luna still—regardless of what anyone told her—insisted they’d have known earlier had she reported the phenomena.

  “And what would have been different had we reported them to the doctor?” Ben asked.

  “They are very often normal, Loo and even if they were related to his tics…there is no stopping it. There is no cure. But it’s not the end—“

  “Don’t fucking say it,” she growled and stepped back, out of his arms.

  Ben nodded. “Yep. Okay. But you know it’s true.”

  “Coffee?” she asked, walking away from him.

  “Sure.” He followed her and she could feel his eyes on her. Could feel the heavy energy of him trying to gauge whether they’d have sex again.

  And the kicker was…Luna didn’t know. Part of her wanted to. And part of her didn’t.

  The confusion on top of the anger didn’t help her any.

  She French pressed a double serving of rich Italian coffee and handed him a steaming mug.

  “He’ll be fine,” he said, reading her mind. “Hell, he’ll be better than fine. These are your parents we’re talking about.” Ben gave her a smile. “They’re going to spoil him rotten. He’s going to be way better off than us.”

  She nodded. “I know.”

  “He’ll be fine,” he said again.

  “I know.”

  Ben put down his coffee and took her hands, pulling her in. Luna felt her body go taut.

  She felt the worry and the angst engage her muscles and he felt it too. “Sorry,” she whispered.

  “Are you going to shun me now?” His smile was wry but she saw in there a real pain.

  Which was what Luna had been trying to avoid.

  “I’m not shunning you,” she said, softly. “I’m protecting you from me.”

  “And what does that mean?” Ben traced her lower lip with the pad of his thumb and she shivered from the contact. It was nice to be touched. Nice to have someone’s hands on her. Nice to be wanted.

  It was seductive.

  And dangerous.

  “It means I don’t want things…back. I don’t see us reconciling and I think all the boffing like bunnies…”

  He chuckled and she felt the rumble work through him and then into her. Her stomach dipped and her pussy went wet, her body was a traitorous thing.

  “Is going to confuse you.”

  “I’m a big boy, Loo.”

  “I’ll say,” she joked.

  He tilted her head back and kissed her. “Come on, babe. Let me take you upstairs. One last time. Banish a little stress. We could both use it, yeah?” His hands were on her, his lips too. His familiar voice in her ear—soothing and good. It was a bad situation to try and be the strong one. Luna nodded and said, “Yeah.” Her bedroom blinds were still drawn and the room had an aquarium feel. She went to shut the door and Ben stilled her hand. “Why? Live dangerously. Fuck with the door open.” She laughed. How easy it had been to forget that she was the only one here. How fast she immediately went to shut the door so Nick wouldn’t walk in. And he wasn’t here to do it.

  Ben pushed her to the bed and covered her with his bulk. He kissed her in that way he used to that was meant to shut her up, and she let him. Luna parted her lips for his soft wet tongue, took each lashing he delivered and felt the buildup of arousal in her. Her pussy flexed, needy and wet, her head buzzed with her want. She pushed her hands into his hair and yanked so he groaned.

  “Take your pants off, Loo.”

  “You take your pants off.”

  “Make me.”

  So she did. Pushing him back and straddling him briefly to bully his belt buckle with a rough yank and tug. Ben thrust his hips up to help her and she pulled his faded jeans low on his hips. His boxer briefs came down half way and she pushed them aside to get him in hand. The heated length of his erection felt good in her palm—thick and hard and virile.

  When he was bare, she’d even tugged his tee over his head so his chest was naked. He pushed up hard and flipped her to her belly. Pulling off her yoga pants, her tank top. She was barefoot so when he hit her feet, Ben ran his finger along her arch so her body jolted and her insides turned molten.

  “Spread your legs,” he said and she felt him move to position himself.

  “Let me turn over.”

  “Nope. You’re cutting me off after this one, Loo. I’m calling the shots.” Ben pressed his big palm to the small of her back, pinning her there on her bed like an oversized bug. A naked bug.

  She spread her legs apart just a bit while his seeking fingers found her nether lips. He pushed his finger into her and stroked her swollen G-spot, pushed all the nerve endings that made her sigh and grip the bedding in her fingers.

  “Put your hands under your hipbones. Push yourself up just a bit,” he demanded.

  How many times had he taken her this way? Her legs apart, but not too much so that the friction was almost unbearable for both of them. Her hands trapped under her hip bones. Her fingers eventually giving in to her urge and working her clitoris until she came. And then he’d come, holding her hips tight, yanking her back so he could use her.

  She shuddered, remembering how they’d been. Ben leaned in to kiss her shoulder blade, the back of her neck, the spot between her shoulders that ached for the drag of his tongue.

  Ben gripped her sides and dug his fingers in so it hurt a bit—the way she liked—the way he knew she liked. He was in her in a heartbeat, his cock forcing into the heated wetness between her legs, and just being invaded that way—fast and rough—made her squirm.

  “Stay still, girl.”

  He impaled her. He fucked her. He took her. He used her.

  “Yes,” she said to no one. Trying so hard to move back to let him in but he held her just so. Just hard enough that she was bound in this position, and could not move back to let him in deeper. She was at his mercy, and he was breathing l
ike a freight train, his fingers pinching the skin where she was the meatiest.

  “God damn, Luna. You have an ass on you. I miss that ass. I miss this too.” His thumbs swept the small of her back and Luna’s nipples peaked and tingled in response. Her stomach fluttered like a rush of looping butterflies inhabited it.

  “I miss everything about you, babe,” he went on. “But I really miss the fucking. Late at night when I’m all alone…”

  He grunted and drove into her hard enough that she slid an inch or so. He let up on her back a bit and she was able to circle her now thumping clit with her fingertips. Pressing hard, the pressure just what she needed.

  “You what?”


  Ben pulled her up just a bit and said, “Get yourself off. I want to feel you come on my dick before I come. And I don’t know how long I can hang in there with you feeling this way.”

  “You what?” she prodded again, wanting him to finish his earlier statement.


  Luna pushed back, forcing her hand by whispering in a sinful tone. “Do you jack off, Ben? Thinking of all the things we’ve done over the years.” He said nothing and she managed a few more sloppy wet revolutions with her fingertips.

  “Do you touch yourself? Stroke yourself? Do you come saying my name in the dark when you know I’m lying over here by myself too? Do you remember me sucking your cock?” He made a noise and a thrill shot through her center. A small spasm in her pussy said she had very little time before her orgasm took her down and had its way with her.

  “Do you remember fucking me everywhere? Tying me up? Spanking me? Being fucked by me? Do you remember that time we bought the strap-on and I fucked you?” Another noise. Somewhere between a growl and a sob. Another rush of fluid and flex of muscles and Luna gasped.

  “Do you remember fucking my ass? Pulling my hair.”

  “Loo,” he said, almost like a plea.